Roofing issues are a common concern for homeowners, and one of the most frequent problems encountered is slipped tiles. While a slipped tile may seem like a minor issue, it can lead to significant damage if not addressed promptly. At East Grinstead Roofing Repairs, we understand the importance of maintaining a secure and well-maintained roof. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to fix slipped tiles and provide tips on preventing tile slips in the future, ensuring your home in East Grinstead, West Sussex, remains protected from the elements.

What Causes Tiles to Slip?

Tiles can slip for various reasons, including:

  1. Weather Damage: Strong winds, heavy rain, and snow can loosen tiles over time. The freeze-thaw cycle in winter can also cause tiles to shift, leading to slippage.
  2. Wear and Tear: Over time, the nails or clips holding the tiles in place may corrode or fail, especially in older roofs. This natural degradation can cause tiles to become loose and slip out of position.
  3. Poor Installation: Tiles that are not properly installed or aligned during the initial roofing process are more likely to slip. This could be due to incorrect spacing, inadequate fixing, or the use of substandard materials.
  4. Structural Movement: Shifts in the structure of the building, whether due to settling, ground movement, or vibrations, can cause tiles to move out of place.
  5. Foot Traffic: Walking on the roof, whether for maintenance or installation of additional elements such as solar panels, can dislodge tiles if not done carefully.

How to Fix Slipped Tiles

If you’ve noticed a slipped tile on your roof, it’s important to address it as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Here’s how to fix it:

  1. Safety First: Always prioritise safety when working on your roof. Use a stable ladder and secure footing. If the roof is steep or if you’re unsure about working at height, it’s best to call a professional.
  2. Assess the Damage: Before making any repairs, assess the extent of the damage. Check for any other loose or slipped tiles, and inspect the surrounding area for signs of water damage or leaks.
  3. Reposition the Tile: If the tile is intact and not broken, you can attempt to reposition it. Carefully lift the tiles around the slipped one to create space. Slide the slipped tile back into place, ensuring it aligns correctly with the surrounding tiles.
  4. Secure the Tile: Once the tile is in place, secure it using roofing nails or clips, depending on the type of tiles you have. Ensure the fixings are properly aligned and securely fastened to prevent future slippage.
  5. Replace Broken Tiles: If the tile is cracked or broken, it will need to be replaced. Remove the damaged tile completely, and install a new one, ensuring it matches the existing tiles in size, colour, and style.
  6. Inspect for Further Issues: After fixing the slipped tile, take the time to inspect the rest of your roof for any other potential issues. Look for signs of wear and tear, missing tiles, or any areas that might need additional attention.

Preventing Tile Slips

Preventing tile slips involves regular maintenance and taking proactive measures to protect your roof:

  1. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular roof inspections, especially after severe weather. Early detection of loose or slipped tiles can prevent more extensive damage.
  2. Proper Installation: Ensure that your tiles are installed correctly by a professional roofing contractor. Proper alignment, spacing, and secure fixing are crucial to preventing slips.
  3. Maintenance and Repairs: Address minor issues promptly before they escalate. Replace corroded nails, fix loose tiles, and ensure that any repairs are done with high-quality materials.
  4. Avoid Foot Traffic: Minimise walking on your roof unless absolutely necessary. If work needs to be done, ensure it’s carried out by professionals who can do so without causing damage.
  5. Tree Trimming: Overhanging branches can cause damage to your roof during storms or high winds. Regularly trim trees near your roof to prevent them from dislodging tiles.


Slipped tiles may seem like a minor inconvenience, but they can lead to significant issues if left unchecked. By understanding the causes of tile slips and taking proactive steps to fix and prevent them, you can ensure that your roof remains in excellent condition for years to come. At East Grinstead Roofing Repairs, we offer expert roofing services to help you maintain a safe and secure home.

If you’ve noticed slipped tiles on your roof in East Grinstead, West Sussex, or if you’d like to schedule a professional roof inspection, contact East Grinstead Roofing Repairs today. Let us help you protect your home with our expert roofing solutions.

This is a photo of new leadwork being installed around an old chimney. Works carried out by East Grinstead Roofing Repairs

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